What to drink with your favourite fast foods [Infographic]

Wondering what kind of wine to pair with your Bic Mac? That’s a no brainer. It’s Champagne, obviously. The Big Mac being the Champagne of fast food burgers.

That is what the experts say, anyway. Now, I’m not a sommelier, but I would suggest that the perfect drink to accompany a Mac would be rum and coke. (You get the takeout soda fountain cola with a bunch of ice, pour in two shots of rum and stir it with the yellow striped straw. Good times. Don’t judge me.)

Hot dogs cooked on a stick over a campfire? Canned beer, of course.

Wondering what to drink with your road trip favourites this long weekend? We’ve found a source that can help you out. The wine connoisseurs over at The Juice have prepared an infographic showing which variety to enjoy with takeout foods. Those folks know their grapes.

Fast food and wine pairings

Sound accurate? If you’ve got any fun food and drink combinations to suggest, we’d love to hear about them. Please share.

Source: Juice Club W, Fast food and wine pairings

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